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Thinking about my strengths

I found it challenging to think about my strengths and then share them with the group because some of the things that I thought about were things that I knew the teachers were not expecting us to mention at this time. I had to think of some other things that did not come easily into my head. It was challenging to share these thoughts with the team because I didn’t know all of the other students that well. I mentioned that one PLA that I think is a strength of mine is courage and bravery because I’m happy to give a lot of different things a go without being scared.

Which PLA’s do you identify as your strengths?

From Nic


Structural and diet and physical appearance adaptations

This large cat speciesThe lynx is a very fierce animal and the lynx has spots on it back that makes it camouflage. The lynx has very pointy teeth like no other to rip through meat and snap bones it feeds on animals like reindeer, roe deer, voles, small red deer and and more the Canadian lynx has a short tail and thick fur to keep warm in the extreme weather. 

It has large padded paws great for any sharp objects in the dirt mud or snow. The lynx is a very fierce animal and the lynx has spots on it back that makes it camouflage. The lynx is a  is a  very scary animal to other animals.

Habitat and Behavior adaptations

The Canadian lynxes habitat in the large thick forests in Canada. The Canadian lynx is usually solitary meaning that it exists alone with no friends.the lynx has no friends because it has to be alone when it is hunting because if he had friends then he would have to share his food because the lynx needs  big meals throughout the day to keep alive.

Sources of information

I used Wikipedia and national Geographic to find this information. 

national Geographic website

Wikipedia  website lynx

Year 5 production Reflection

 Year 5 production

The year 5 production has been a really great experience and i have learnt so much about performing in front of a massive ordinance. It wasn’t that bad as i thought i thought that i was going to forget all my lines. Some challenges that i faced were learning when i was meant to say my line and projecting my voice loud enough so the last person can here you. Another challenge that i face was stage fright. When you were on stage you looked up at the Crowd it looked like there were so many people which there is. My highlight was the coin toss and Ned as queen Victoria.

 In the year5 production you needed to make a monologue well write your own and when we were writing you had to really step into your character and when you step into your character you have to be really specific.

Some shoutouts were mr Benwell for the music, ms quadling for everything and mrs Stratford for doing all the backstage business, misty for organising everything, and of course mrs depaver for the laughs backstage they made everyone laugh. When all the smelly convicts mr Nichole helped us be quiet otherwise the audience would of heard us whispering backstage. When Western Australia was coming down the stairs mr Nichole and all the teachers were telling them to slow down. 

I think my confidence in the production always really good and people were being silly backstage so I had to tell the teacher otherwise the audience would here us. the production took my confidence in talking to an audience so far and it was a great experience even though I had one line I was really engaged in the production so it was great

Which role would you like to be in the play?



Crossover by Alexander, kwame sport stuff happens in his family that some are great and some are sad. I enjoyed having this book because it didn’t have much words which is what I like and it was a sport book which I would personally like better than a fantasy book. Would you join this adventure about josh and his family?


Halloween is a holiday the occurs after school on the Thursday for Australia, in Australia we dress up in a scary costume and go around your  neighbourhood and ask people for water, candy and all different stuff this holiday occurs once every year and used to be a lot better, halloween was like you go to someone’s house and ask trick or treat if they had no candy you would play a trick on them like throw eggs at there windows and then run. Some people don’t do this any more because it was getting boring but I don’t I find it fun so you get lots of candy to eat. If you want to use this photo go to

5b camp toona camP

Year 5 toonalook camp was a really great camp for people that haven’t camped outside in a tent before. One of my highlights of camp was the camp outside and the fire and burgers that experience was really cool, because I have never camped outside before, the mattress that I was sleeping on was really good no water went through and it was nice and cosy, the water did seek through the outer layer of the tent so my shoes got wet which was pretty annoying.

We had dinner on the first night which was wraps they were pretty good and on the second night which was expo we had burgers on the BBQ .

What do you think you would like the best?


AVatar challenge

This is my avatar I chose the moustache because I thought it would be funny and I chose the suit because I’m going to a wedding next year. My rainbow eyes are for my creativity and I like to skate and scoot, my best trick is a triple my favourite colour is blue and I love the skatepark.

Sovereign hill map

This term I have made a map of our whole diorama to understand mapping. There are coordinates, the compass,  scale and more. In my map I included coordinates, a compass and a scale we also had a key to know where everything is on my map, for example F7 was the stockade. We also made 3 pathways and we had to make directions to where we were going.

What was your favourite store?

From Nic